
I am using Solr on EXT4 partition and have TLOG replicas in my collection. I
am using 2 Solr nodes to utilize 2 disk (for getting IOPS) for same
collection. My collection has 150 shards. Each shard size is ~9GB and
48Million docs per shard. 

My shards frequently goes into recovery with error 
*o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase java.io.IOException:
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired*. 

I am doing 90% times overwrites as getting few statistics update for same

1. Is this because of frequent updates?
2. Is this because of Huge number of shards?
3. Is this because of TLOG and big segments are getting transferred?

Commit time is 15sec and I am trying to add 10k docs per second.

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