We have the following setup , solr 7.7.2 with 1 TLOG Leader & 1 TLOG
replica with a single shard. We have about  34.5 million documents with an
approximate index size of 600GB. I have noticed a degraded query
performance whenever the replica is trying to (guessing here) sync or
perform actual replication. To test this, I fire a very basic query using
solrj client & the query comes back right away, but whenever the
replication is trying to see how far behind it is by comparing the
generation ids the same queries take longer. In production we do not make
these simple queries, but rather complex queries with filter queries &
sorting. These queries take too long as compared to our previous
(standalone solr 6.1.0)

Any help here is appreciated

20-09-02 16:35:30 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458909
status=0 QTime=0
2020-09-02 16:35:30 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458909
status=0 QTime=0
2020-09-02 16:36:00 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458909
status=0 QTime=0
2020-09-02 16:36:00 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458909
status=0 QTime=0
2020-09-02 16:36:30 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458909
status=0 QTime=0
2020-09-02 16:36:30 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458909
status=0 QTime=0
*2020-09-02 16:37:01* INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr
path=/select params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2}
hits=34458909 status=0 QTime=*1011*
*2020-09-02 16:37:01* INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr
path=/select params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2}
hits=34458909 status=0 QTime=*758*
*2020-09-02 16:37:32* INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr
path=/select params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2}
hits=34458957 status=0 QTime=*1077*
*2020-09-02 16:37:32* INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr
path=/select params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2}
hits=34458957 status=0 QTime=*1081*
2020-09-02 16:38:02 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458957
status=0 QTime=*668*
2020-09-02 16:38:03 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/select
params={q=*:*&fl=id&sort=id+desc&rows=1&wt=xml&version=2.2} hits=34458957
status=0 QTime=*1001*

*2020-09-02 16:37:01* INFO  Master's generation: 263116
*2020-09-02 16:37:01* INFO  Master's version: 1599064577322
*2020-09-02 16:37:01* INFO  Slave's generation: 263116
*2020-09-02 16:37:01* INFO  Slave's version: 1599064577322
*2020-09-02 16:37:01* INFO  Slave in sync with master.
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Master's generation: 104189
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Master's version: 1599064620532
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Slave's generation: 104188
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Slave's version: 1599064560341
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Starting replication process
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Number of files in latest index in master: 1010
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Starting download (fullCopy=false) to
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Bytes downloaded: 837587, Bytes skipped
downloading: 0
2020-09-02 16:37:02 INFO  Total time taken for download
(fullCopy=false,bytesDownloaded=837587) : 0 secs (null bytes/sec) to
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)
2020-09-02 16:37:03 INFO  New IndexWriter is ready to be used.
2020-09-02 16:37:03 INFO  Master's generation: 124002
2020-09-02 16:37:03 INFO  Master's version: 1599064617242
2020-09-02 16:37:03 INFO  Slave's generation: 124000
2020-09-02 16:37:03 INFO  Slave's version: 1599064492914
2020-09-02 16:37:03 INFO  Starting replication process
2020-09-02 16:37:04 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/update
(1676740784884285440), 11907383701 (1676740784889528320), 11907383253
(1676740784900014080), 11907379290 (1676740785002774528), 11907382623
(1676740785005920256), 11907378461 (1676740785011163136), 11907382429
(1676740785012211712), 11907380739 (1676740785023746048), 11907381184
(1676740785038426112), 11907380614 (1676740785042620416), ... (36 adds)]} 0
2020-09-02 16:37:04 INFO  Number of files in latest index in master: 1227
2020-09-02 16:37:04 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/update
0 0
2020-09-02 16:37:04 INFO  Starting download (fullCopy=false) to
maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)
2020-09-02 16:37:04 INFO  [db_shard1_replica_t3]  webapp=/solr path=/update
(1676740051134840833), 10350978170 (1676740051136937985), 10350978182
(1676740051137986560), 10350978368 (1676740051140083713), 10350978377
(1676740051142180865), 10350979169 (1676740051153715200), 10350979195
(1676740051380207616), 10350979757 (1676740051398033408), 10350980088
(1676740051407470593), 10350980128 (1676740051410616321), ... (50000
adds)]} 0 702638

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