I have setup the example Solr Cloud that comes with the built in Zoo Keeper
that runs on localhost:9993.

I created my Solr Cloud instance with 2 nodes.
Node 1 url is http://localhost:8983/solr/#/~cloud
Node 2 url is http://localhost:7574/solr/#/~cloud

Currently all Solr queries go through Node 1

Is there a way to query solr cloud collections though the Zoo Keeper or
common host:port
So that if node 1 or node 2 goes down.
The Solr query will still work, so I don't have to change the Solr
host:port in the query if one solr node goes down?

Currently in our Java application, if Solr 1 is going to brought down for
maintenance, then the our solr configuration file solr url property has to
be changed to from http://localhost:8983  to http://localhost:7574


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