Hi SOLR list,

I'm currently using the White Space tokenizer and the Lower Case filter with 
SOLR 7.3.  I'd like to modify the logic to keep any tokens that are entirely 
upper case as upper case, and just apply the Lower Case filter (or something 
equivalent) to the remaining tokens.  Is there a way to do this using 
tokenizers and filters?


Mike Dunham-Wilkie | Senior Spatial Data Administration Analyst | PHONE... 
Data Systems & Services - Digital Platforms and Data Division - Ministry of 
Citizens' Services

For faster response and/or future inquires, the following email addresses are 
monitored continuously:
BC Geographic Warehouse (BCGW) and Replication/ETL | DataBC Data Architecture 
Services (databc...@gov.bc.ca<mailto:databc...@gov.bc.ca>)
BC Data Catalogue (BCDC) and Open Data | DataBC Catalogue Services 

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