Anything you do will be wrong ;).

I suppose you could kick out words that weren’t in some dictionary and 
accumulate a list of words not in the dictionary and just deal with them 
“somehow", but that’s labor-intensive since you then have to deal with proper 
names and the like. Sometimes you can get by with ignoring words with _only_ 
the first letter capitalized, which is also not perfect but might get you 
closer. You mentioned phonetic filters, but frankly I have no idea whether YES 
and YYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS would reduce to the same code, I rather doubt it.

In general, you _can’t_ solve this problem perfectly without inspecting each 
input, you can only get an approximation. And at some point it’s worth asking 
“is it worth it?”. I suppose you could try the regex Andy suggested in a 
copyField destination and use that as well as the primary field in queries, 
that might help at least find things like this.

If we were just able to require humans to use proper spelling, this would be a 
lot easier….

Wish there were a solution


> On Oct 8, 2020, at 10:59 PM, Mike Drob <> wrote:
> I was thinking about that, but there are words that are legitimately
> different with repeated consonants. My primary school teacher lost hair
> over getting us to learn the difference between desert and dessert.
> Maybe we need something that can borrow the boosting behaviour of fuzzy
> query - match the exact term, but also the neighbors with a slight deboost,
> so that if the main term exists those others won't show up.
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 5:46 PM Andy Webb <> wrote:
>> How about something like this?
>> {
>>    "add-field-type": [
>>        {
>>            "name": "norepeat",
>>            "class": "solr.TextField",
>>            "analyzer": {
>>                "tokenizer": {
>>                    "class": "solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"
>>                },
>>                "filters": [
>>                    {
>>                        "class": "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"
>>                    },
>>                    {
>>                        "class": "solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory",
>>                        "pattern": "(.)\\1+",
>>                        "replacement": "$1"
>>                    }
>>                ]
>>            }
>>        }
>>    ]
>> }
>> This finds a match...
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/#/norepeat/analysis?analysis.fieldvalue=Yes&analysis.query=yyyyYyyyyyyeeEssSsssss&analysis.fieldtype=norepeat
>> Andy
>> On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 23:02, Mike Drob <> wrote:
>>> I'm looking for a way to transform words with repeated letters into the
>>> same token - does something like this exist out of the box? Do our
>> stemmers
>>> support it?
>>> For example, say I would want all of these terms to return the same
>> search
>>> results:
>>> YES
>>> YYEESSSS[...]S
>>> I don't know how long a user would hold down the S key at the end to
>>> capture their level of excitement, and I don't want to manually define
>>> synonyms for every length.
>>> I'm pretty sure that I don't want PhoneticFilter here, maybe
>>> PatternReplace? Not a huge fan of how that one is configured, and I think
>>> I'd have to set up a bunch of patterns inline for it?
>>> Mike

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