Or, perhaps if I start solr like so....

service solr start

...it will use the solr.in.sh at /etc/default/solr.in.sh ?

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 11:19 AM Ryan W <rya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is how I start solr:
> /opt/solr/bin/solr start
> In my /etc/default/solr.in.sh, I have this...
> GC_TUNE=" \
> -XX:+UseG1GC \
> -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled \
> -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8m \
> -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 \
> -XX:+UseLargePages \
> -XX:+AggressiveOpts \
> "
> But I don't know how to tell if Solr is using that file.
> In my /opt/solr/bin there is no solr.in.sh, but there is a
> solr.in.sh.orig -- perhaps I should copy my /etc/default/solr.in.sh to
> /opt/solr/bin ?
> I am running Linux (RHEL).  The Solr version is 7.7.2.  Solr 8.x is not
> compatible with my application.
> Thank you.
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 9:46 PM Shawn Heisey <elyog...@elyograg.org>
> wrote:
>> On 10/12/2020 5:11 PM, Ryan W wrote:
>> > Thanks.  How do I activate the G1GC collector?  Do I do this by editing
>> a
>> > config file, or by adding a parameter when I start solr?
>> >
>> > Oracle's docs are pointing me to a file that supposedly is at
>> > instance-dir/OUD/config/java.properties, but I don't have that path.  I
>> am
>> > not sure what is meant by instance-dir here, but perhaps it means my JRE
>> > install, which is at
>> > /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- -- but
>> > there is no "OUD" directory in this location.
>> The collector is chosen by the startup options given to Java, in this
>> case by the start script for Solr.  I've never heard of it being set by
>> a config in the JRE.
>> In Solr 7, the start script defaults to the CMS collector.  We have
>> updated that to G1 in the latest Solr 8.x versions, because CMS has been
>> deprecated by Oracle.
>> Adding the following lines to the correct solr.in.sh would change the
>> garbage collector to G1.  I got this from the "bin/solr" script in Solr
>> 8.5.1:
>>        GC_TUNE=('-XX:+UseG1GC' \
>>          '-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem' \
>>          '-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled' \
>>          '-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=250' \
>>          '-XX:+UseLargePages' \
>>          '-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch')
>> If you used the service installer script to install Solr, then the
>> correct file to add this to is usually /etc/default/solr.in.sh ... but
>> if you did the install manually, it may be in the same bin directory
>> that contains the solr script itself.  Your initial message says the
>> solr home is /opt/solr/server/solr so I am assuming it's not running on
>> Windows.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

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