Hi all :)

I'm trying to connect to Solr with JDBC, but I always have
"java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Could not connect to ZooKeeper
localhost:9983/ within 15000 ms" (or other port, depends wich jdbc url I

Here what I did :


   I installed Solr 7.7.2 (i followed install doc here
   <https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_2/installing-solr.html>), i.e.
   download, extract, start (without option : bin/solr start). This version of
   Solr is the one I have at work, so i installed the same to test before on

   I added a 'test' collection and the examples xml documents, I can see
   them at this url <http://localhost:8983/solr/test/select?q=*%3A*>

   then I installed DbVisualizer, added driver and a connection, like explained
   <https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_2/solr-jdbc-dbvisualizer.html> =>
   the only differences I saw with documentation is that on screencopy with
   the jar to import, versions are differents and there is one more jar in
   solr archive (commons-math3-3.6.1.jar). Also, the jdbc url to use is with
   or without a '/' in the middle (see here
   <http://jdbc:solr//localhost:9983?collection=test>), as this :
   jdbc:solr://localhost:9983?collection=test or
   jdbc:solr://localhost:9983/?collection=test. I don't know if it is

   and I tried both on Ubuntu VM and Windows 10

So, all seems to be installed correctly, as in documentation, but when I
click on 'connect', always have a timeout. Every website where I found some
info talk about an url with 9983 port, I tried other possibilities (just in
case) but no success...

   - jdbc:solr://localhost:9983?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:9983/?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:9983/solr?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:8983/?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:8983?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:8983/solr?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:2181?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:2181/?collection=test
   - jdbc:solr://localhost:2181/solr?collection=test

If you have an idea, thanks for help !


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