Depends. *nix systems have delete-on-close semantics, that is as
long as there’s a single file handle open, the file will be still be
available to the process using it. Only when the last file handle is
closed will the file actually be deleted.

Solr (Lucene actually) has  file handle open to every file in the index
all the time.

These files aren’t visible when you do a directory listing. So if you
stop Solr, are the files gone? NOTE: When you start Solr again, if
there are existing replicas that are healthy then the entire index
should be copied from another replica….


> On Nov 9, 2020, at 3:30 AM, Amy Bai <> wrote:
> Hi community,
> I found that SolrCloud won't check the IO status if the SolrCloud process is 
> alive.
> E.g. If I delete the SolrCloud data directory, there are no errors report, 
> and I can still log in to the SolrCloud   Admin UI to create/query 
> collections.
> Is this reasonable?
> Can someone explain why SOLR handles it like this?
> Thanks so much.
> Regards,
> Amy

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