On 11/25/2020 10:42 AM, Deepu wrote:
We are in the process of migrating from Solr 5 to Solr 8, during testing
identified that "Not null" queries on plong & pint field types are not
giving any results, it is working fine with solr 5.4 version.

could you please let me know if you have suggestions on this issue?

Here's a couple of facts:

1) Points-based fields have certain limitations that make explicit value lookups very slow, and make them unsuitable for use on uniqueKey fields. Something about the field not having a "term" available.

2) A query of the type "fieldname:*" is a wildcard query. These tend to be slow and inefficient, when they work.

It might be that the limitations of point-based fields make it so that wildcard queries don't work. I have no idea here. Points-based fields did not exist in Solr 5.4, chances are that you were using a Trie-based field at that time. A wildcard query would have worked, but it would have been slow.

I may have a solution even though I am pretty clueless about what's going on. When you are looking to do a NOT NULL sort of query, you should do it as a range query rather than a wildcard query. This means the following syntax. Note that it is case sensitive -- the "TO" must be uppercase:

fieldname:[* TO *]

This is how all NOT NULL queries should be constructed, regardless of the type of field. Range queries tend to very efficient.


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