Hi All,

pushing the query to the top.
Does anyone have any idea about it?

On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 11:49 AM Ajay Sharma <aja...@indiamart.com> wrote:

> Hi Community,
> This is the first time, I am implementing a solr *highlighting *feature.
> I have read the concept via solr documentation
> Link- https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_2/highlighting.html
> To enable highlighting I just have to add *&hl=true&hl.fl=* *in our solr
> query and got the snippet in the solr response and it is working fine in
> most of the cases.
> *But highlighting does not work when synonyms came into action*
> *Issue:*
> I am searching leopard (q=leopard) in field title (qf=title)
> In our synonym file, we have an entry like below
> *leopard,tenduaa,panther*
> and in one document id:123456, field title contains below text:
> title:"Jindal Panther TMT Bars
> For the query (q=leopard) , i am getting this document (id:123456) in solr
> response
> I could check that due to synonym document is matched  and I confirmed it
> via Solr UI analysis screen where I put Analyse FieldName= title,  Field
> Value (Index) ="Jindal Panther TMT rebars" and Field Value (Query) =
> leopard and I could see in index chain, token panther getting saved as
> leopard also but in highlighting I don't get any matched token and
> getting below response
>    - highlighting:
>    {
>       - 123456: { }
>       }
> I just need the matched synonym token like panther in the above case to be
> returned in solr highlighting response
> I have read and re-read the solr documentation, searched on google gone
> through many articles even checked StackOverflow but could not find a
> solution.
> Any help from community members will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Regards,
> Ajay Sharma
> Software Engineer, Product-Search,
> IndiaMART InterMESH Ltd

Thanks & Regards,
Ajay Sharma
Software Engineer, Product-Search,
IndiaMART InterMESH Ltd


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