Hello all,

We are using solr 7.3.1, with master and slave config.

When we deliver a new index we unload the core, with option delete data dir
= true, then recreate the data folder and copy the new index files into
that folder before sending solr a command to recreate the core (with the
same name).

But we have, at the same time, some batches indexing non stop the core we
just unloaded, and it happens quite frequently that we have an error at
this point, the copy cannot be done, and I guess it is because of a
write.lock file created by a solr index writer in the index directory.

Is it possible, when unloading the core, to stop / kill index writer? I've
tried including a sleep after the unload and before recreation of the index
folder, it seems to work but I was wondering if a better solution exists.

Best regards,

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