matthew sporleder wrote > I would stick to soft commits and schedule hard-commits as > spaced-out-as-possible in regular maintenance windows until you can > find the culprit of the timeout. > > This way you will have very focused windows for intense monitoring > during the hard-commit runs.
*Little correction:* In my last post, I had mentioned that softCommit is working fine and there no delay or error message. Here is what happening: 1. Hard commit with openSearcher=true curl "http://<solr_ip>:solr_port/solr/my_collection/update?openSearcher=true&commit=true&wt=json" All the cores started processing commit except , the one hosted `<solr_ip>`. Also we are getting timeout error on this. 2. softCommit curl "http://<solr_ip>:solr_port/solr/my_collection/update?softCommit=true&wt=json" Same as 1. 3.Hard commit with openSearcher=false curl "http://<solr_ip>:solr_port/solr/my_collection/update?openSearcher=false&commit=true&wt=json" All the cores started processing commit immediately and there is no error. Solr commands used to set up system Solr start command #/var/solr-8.5.2/bin/solr start -c -p solr_port -z zk_host1:zk_port,zk_host1:zk_port,zk_host1:zk_port -s /var/node_my_collection_1/solr-8.5.2/server/solr -h <solr_ip> -m 26g -DzkClientTimeout=30000 -force Creat Collection 1.upload config to zookeper #var/solr-8.5.2/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/./ -z zk_host1:zk_port,zk_host1:zk_port,zk_host1:zk_port -cmd upconfig -confname my_collection -confdir /<local_config_path> 2. Cretaed collection with 3 shards (shard1,shard2,shard3), #curl "http://<solr_ip>:solr_port/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=my_collection&numShards=3&replicationFactor=1&maxShardsPerNode=1&collection.configName=my_collection&createNodeSet=solr_node1:solr_port,solr_node2:solr_port,solr_node3:solr_port" 3. Used SPLITSHARD command to split each shards into two half (shard1_1,shard1_0,shard2_0,...) e.g #curl "http://<solr_ip>:solr_port/solr/admin/collections?action=SPLITSHARD&collection=my_collection&shard=shard1 4. Used DELETESHARD command to delete old shatds (shard1,shard2,shard3). e.g #curl "http://<solr_ip>:solr_port/solr/admin/collections?action=DELETESHARD&collection=my_collection&shard=shard1 -- Sent from: