Hello! We have a Solrcloud(7.4) consisting of 90+ hosts(each of them
running multiple nodes of solr, e.g. ports 8983, 8984, 8985), numerous
shards(each having several replicas) and numerous collections.

I was given a task to summarize the total index size(on disks) of a certain
collection. First I calculated it from web interface(via copy-paste)
manually and there were thousands of lines (The http interface(8983) Cloud
- Nodes tab). It took about several hours. Now i consider this task needs
some automatization. I read the API documentation and googled but still no
luck... And any possible solution could help somebody else in the future.

What i tried:
   1) If I poll one of the solr cores via


I get output like (**cores.json**):

       "INDEX.size":"456 bytes",
       "INDEX.size":"2.88 GB",

... and so on which is what i need BUT only according to one core(local).
But there are more than 200 of them.

   2) I can get a list of all collections, shards and replicas via:


and it looks like (**collections.json**)


... and so on, 117 156 lines

The question is, how can i insert the fields of INDEX.size into the second
output(clusterstatus) for calculation of sum disk space used by indices?

In other words, i need the correspondings fields of INDEX.size in replicas
sections of **collections.json**

Currently the whole solr system consumes 100TB+ and is still growing, we
need to know the tempo of it's growth. Many thanks in advance!

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