On 1/14/2021 2:31 AM, Abhay Kumar wrote:
I am trying to post below query to Solr but getting error as “<h1>Bad Message 414</h1><pre>reason: URI Too Long</pre>”.

I am sending query using SolrNet library. Please suggest how to resolve this issue.

*Query :* http://localhost:8983/solr/documents/select?q=%22Geisteswissenschaften

If your query is a POST request rather than a GET, then you won't get that error. And if the request is identical to the REALLY long URL that you included (which seemed to be incomplete), then it's definitely not a POST. If it were, everything after the ? would be in the request body, not on the URL itself.

There is a note on the SolrNET FAQ about this.


If you want more info on that, you'll need to ask SolrNET. It's a completely different project.


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