
it's killed by OOME exception. The problem is that I just created empty
collections and the Solr JVM keeps growing and never goes down. there is no
data at all. at the beginning, I set Xxm=6G, then 10G, now 15G, Solr 8.7
always use all of them and it will be killed by once jvm usage
reachs 100%.

I have another solr 8.6.2 cloud(3 nodes) in separated environment , which
have over 100 collections, the Xxm = 6G , jvm is always 4-5G.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 2:56 AM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 1/27/2021 5:08 PM, Luke Oak wrote:
> > I just created a few collections and no data, memory keeps growing but
> never go down, until I got OOM and solr is killed
> >
> > Any reason?
> Was Solr killed by the operating system's oom killer or did the death
> start with a Java OutOfMemoryError exception?
> If it was the OS, then the entire system doesn't have enough memory for
> the demands that are made on it.  The problem might be Solr, or it might
> be something else.  You will need to either reduce the amount of memory
> used or increase the memory in the system.
> If it was a Java OOME exception that led to Solr being killed, then some
> resource (could be heap memory, but isn't always) will be too small and
> will need to be increased.  To figure out what resource, you need to see
> the exception text.  Such exceptions are not always recorded -- it may
> occur in a section of code that has no logging.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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