: I am wondering if there is a way to warmup new searcher on commit by
: rerunning queries processed by the last searcher. May be it happens by
: default but then I can't understand why we see high query times if those
: searchers are being warmed.

it only happens by default if you have an 'autowarmCount' enabled for each 


But note that this warms the caches *individually* --it doesn't re-simular 
a "full request" so some things (like stored fields) may still be "cold" 
on disk.

This typically isn't a problem -- eccept for people relying on FieldCache 
-- which is a query tie "un-inversion" of fields for sorting/faceting -- 
and has no explicit solr configuration or warming.

for that you have to use soemthing like joel described -- static 
'newSearcher' QuerySenderListenr queries that will sort/facet on those 


...but a better solution is to make sure you use DocValues on these fields 


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