`resultId` sounds like it might be a relatively high-cardinality field
(lots of unique values)? What's your number of shards, and replicas per
shard? SOLR-15008 (note: not a bug) describes a situation that may be
fundamentally similar to yours (though to be sure it's impossible to say
for sure without more information):

In particular, the explanation and troubleshooting advice on the linked
comment might be relevant?

"dvhash" is _not_ mentioned on that SOLR-15008, but if the `processId` main
query significantly reduces the domain -- or more specifically, if
`resultId` is high-cardinality overall, but the cardinality of `resultId`
values _associated with a particular query_ is low -- you might consider
trying `"method"="dvhash"` (which should bypass OrdinalMap creation and
array allocation, if either/both of those contribute to the latency you're


On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 4:42 PM mmb1234 <m...@vmware.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am seeing very slow response from json faceting against a single core
> (though core is shard leader in a collection).
> Fields processId and resultId are non-multivalued, indexed and docvalues
> string (not text).
> Soft Commit = 5sec (opensearcher=true) and Hard Commit = 10sec because new
> docs are constantly being indexed with 95% new and 5% overwritten
> (overwrite=true; no atomic update). Caches are not considered useful due to
> commit frequency.
> Solr is v8.7.0 on openjdk11.
> Is there any way to improve json facet QTime?
> ## query only
> curl
> '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/TestCollection_shard1_replica_t3/query?q=processId:xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx&rows=0
> '
> -d '
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "zkConnected":true,
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":552,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"processId:xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx",
>       "cache":"false",
>       "rows":"0"}},
>   "response":{"numFound":231311,"start":0,"numFoundExact":true,"docs":[]
>   }}
> ## json facet takes 46secs
> curl
> '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/TestCollection_shard1_replica_t3/query?q=processId:xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx&rows=0
> '
> -d '
> json.facet={
>     categories:{
>       "type": "terms",
>       "field" : "resultId",
>       "limit" : 1
>     }
> }'
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "zkConnected":true,
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":46972,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"processId:xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx",
>       "json.facet":"{    categories:{      \"type\": \"terms\",
> \"field\" : \"resultId\",      \"limit\" : 1    }}",
>       "rows":"0"}},
>   "response":{"numFound":231311,"start":0,"numFoundExact":true,"docs":[]
>   },
>   "facets":{
>     "count":231311,
>     "categories":{
>       "buckets":[{
>           "val":"xxxxxxxxx",
>           "count":943}]}}}
> ## visualvm CPU sampling almost all time spent in lucene:
> org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue.downHeap() 23,009 ms
> org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene80.Lucene80DocValuesProducer$TermsDict.next()
> 13,268 ms
> --
> Sent from: https://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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