I haven’t delved into the exact reason for this, but what generally helps
to avoid this situation in a cluster is
i) During shutdown (in case you need to restart the cluster), let the
overseer node be the last one to shut down.
ii) While restarting, let the Overseer node be the first one to start
iii) Wait for 5-10 seconds between each subsequent node start

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 12:03 PM mmb1234 <m...@vmware.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> On reboot of one of the solr nodes in the cluster, we often see a
> collection's shards with
> 1. LEADER replica in DOWN state, and/or
> 2. shard with no LEADER
> Output from /solr/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERSTATUS is below.
> Even after 5 to 10 minutes, the collection often does not recover. Unclear
> why this is happening and what we can try to prevent or remedy it.
> ps: perReplicaState= true in solr v8.8.0 didn't work well because after a
> rebalance all replicas somehow get a "leader:true" status even though
> states.json looked ok.
> {
>   "responseHeader": {
>     "status": 0,
>     "QTime": 2
>   },
>   "cluster": {
>     "collections": {
>       "datacore": {
>         "pullReplicas": "0",
>         "replicationFactor": "0",
>         "shards": {
>           "xxxx_yyyy_zzzz": {
>             "range": null,
>             "state": "active",
>             "replicas": {
>               "core_node1": {
>                 "core": "datacore_xxxx_yyyy_zzzz_replica_t187",
>                 "base_url": "http://solr-0.solr-headless:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name": "solr-0.solr-headless:8983_solr",
>                 "state": "down",
>                 "type": "TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state": "false",
>                 "property.preferredleader": "true",
>                 "leader": "true"
>               },
>               "core_node2": {
>                 "core": "datacore_xxxx_yyyy_zzzz_replica_t188",
>                 "base_url": "http://solr-1.solr-headless:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name": "solr-1.solr-headless:8983_solr",
>                 "state": "active",
>                 "type": "TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state": "false"
>               },
>               "core_node3": {
>                 "core": "datacore_xxxx_yyyy_zzzz_replica_t189",
>                 "base_url": "http://solr-2.solr-headless:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name": "solr-2.solr-headless:8983_solr",
>                 "state": "active",
>                 "type": "TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state": "false"
>               }
>             }
>           },
>           "gggg_hhhh_jjjjj": {
>             "range": null,
>             "state": "active",
>             "replicas": {
>               "core_node19": {
>                 "core": "datacore_gggg_hhhh_jjjjj_replica_t187",
>                 "base_url": "http://solr-0.solr-headless:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name": "solr-0.solr-headless:8983_solr",
>                 "state": "down",
>                 "type": "TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state": "false",
>                 "property.preferredleader": "true"
>               },
>               "core_node20": {
>                 "core": "datacore_gggg_hhhh_jjjjj_replica_t188",
>                 "base_url": "http://solr-1.solr-headless:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name": "solr-1.solr-headless:8983_solr",
>                 "state": "active",
>                 "type": "TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state": "false"
>               },
>               "core_node21": {
>                 "core": "datacore_gggg_hhhh_jjjjj_replica_t189",
>                 "base_url": "http://solr-2.solr-headless:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name": "solr-2.solr-headless:8983_solr",
>                 "state": "active",
>                 "type": "TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state": "false"
>               }
>             }
>           },
>           "aaaa_bbbb_cccc": {
>             "range": null,
>             "state": "active",
>             "replicas": {
>               "core_node4": {
>                 "core": "datacore_aaaa_bbbb_cccc_replica_t91",
>                 "base_url": "http://solr-0...
> --
> Sent from: https://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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