Hi all,

We've a solr cluster with 4 solr servers and 5 zookeepers in HA mode.
We've tested about if our cluster can mantain the service with only the half of 
the cluster, in case of disaster os similar, and we've a problem with the 
zookepers config and its static configuration.

In the start script of the 4 solrs servers there are a list of 5 ip:port of the 
5 zookeepers of the cluster, so when we "lost" the half of machines (we've 2 
zoos in one machine and 3 on another) in the worst case we lost 3 of these 5 
zookeepers. We can start a sixth zookeeper (to have 3 with the half of cluster 
stopped) but to add in the solr server we need to stop and restart with a new 
list of ip:port adding it and that's not an automatic or dynamic thing.

¿Somebody knows another configuration or workaround to have a dynamic list of 
zoos and start or stop some of thems without changes in the config and 
start/stop the solr server?

Kind regards and thanks a lot.

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