
I want to match and score on a sorted DocList.

The use case is something like this

   - Cache sorted results (with scores) of certain queries in the
   queryCache (This is a DocList)
   - New queries are superset of these cached queries and have dynamic
   scoring clauses
   - At runtime, I want to lookup results in query Cache and run matching
   and scoring on this list
      - This enables me to have a more dynamic way (per query) of pre
      sorted data set where I can early terminate shorter and more effectively
      and reduce latencies even further
      - In some cases, I can use the cached score along with new score too
      and avoid recomputation here.

The problem is currently the Scorer interface requires a DocIdSetIterator
and can't work on top of a DocList.

So does that mean, enabling this kind of optimisation requires using a
different Scorer & Weight interfaces or is there something I can do using
the current interfaces itself ?

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