Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it!

However, does anyone know how to articulate the syntax of "(This AND That)
OR (Something AND Else)" into a query string?

i.e. q=referring:### AND question:###

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Stephen Weiss <>wrote:

> I think in this case you would want to index each question with the
> possible referrers ( by title might be too imprecise, I'd go with filename
> or ID) and then do a search like this (assuming in this case it's by
> filename)
> q=(referring:TomCruise.html) OR (question: Tom AND Cruise)
> Which seems to be what you're thinking.
> I would make the referrer a type "string" though so that you don't
> accidentally pull in documents from a different subject (Tom Cruise this
> would work ok, but imagine you need to distinguish between George Washington
> and George Washington Carver).
> --
> Steve
> On Dec 15, 2008, at 2:59 PM, Derek Springer wrote:
>  Hey all,
>> I'm having trouble articulating a query and I'm hopeful someone out there
>> can help me out :)
>> My situation is this: I am indexing a series of questions that can either
>> be
>> asked from a main question entry page, or a specific subject page. I have
>> a
>> field called "referring" which indexes the title of the specific subject
>> page, plus the regular question whenever that document is submitted from a
>> specific specific subject page. Otherwise, every document is indexed with
>> just the question.
>> Specifically, what I am trying to do is when I am on the page specific
>> subject page (e.g. Tom Cruise) I want to search for all of the questions
>> asked from that page, plus any question asked about Tom Cruise. Something
>> like:
>> q=(referring:Tom AND Cruise) OR (question:Tom AND Cruise)
>> "Have you ever used a Tom Tom?" - Not returned
>> "Where is the best place to take a cruise?" - Not returned
>> "When did he have is first kid?" - Returned iff question was asked from
>> Tom
>> Cruise page
>> "Do you think that Tom Cruise will make more movies?" - Always returned
>> Any thoughts?
>> -Derek

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