Hey guys,
    Thanks for the response, but how would make recency a factor on
scoring documents with the standard request handler.
The query (title:iphone OR bodytext:iphone OR title:firmware OR
bodytext:firmware) AND _val_:"ord(dateCreated)"^0.1
seems to do something very similar to just sorting by dateCreated
rather than having dateCreated being a part of the score.


n Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Sammy Yu <temi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
>    I have a standard query that searches across multiple text fields such as
> q=title:iphone OR bodytext:iphone OR title:firmware OR bodytext:firmware
> This comes back with documents that have iphone and firmware (I know I
> can use dismax handler but it seems to be really slow), which is
> great.  Now I want to give some more weight to more recent documents
> (there is a dateCreated field in each document).
> So I've modified the query as such:
> (title:iphone OR bodytext:iphone OR title:firmware OR
> bodytext:firmware) AND _val_:"ord(dateCreated)"^0.1
> URLencoded to 
> q=(title%3Aiphone+OR+bodytext%3Aiphone+OR+title%3Afirmware+OR+bodytext%3Afirmware)+AND+_val_%3A"ord(dateCreated)"^0.1
> However, the results are not as one would expects.  The first few
> documents only come back with the word iphone and appears to be sorted
> by date created.  It seems to completely ignore the score and use the
> dateCreated field for the score.
> On a not directly related issue it seems like if you put the weight
> within the double quotes:
> (title:iphone OR bodytext:iphone OR title:firmware OR
> bodytext:firmware) AND _val_:"ord(dateCreated)^0.1"
> the parser complains:
> org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Cannot parse
> '(title:iphone OR bodytext:iphone OR title:firmware OR
> bodytext:firmware) AND _val_:"ord(dateCreated)^0.1"': Expected ',' at
> position 16 in 'ord(dateCreated)^0.1'
> Thanks,
> Sammy

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