: We need to enhance our existing solr search to support query with 'AND'
: /'OR'. That is, when user enters "(breast OR liver) AND cancer" in the query
: field, the documents with 'liver' & 'cancer' and the documents with 'breast'
: & 'cancer' should be returned.

dismax already supports AND and OR in the same way as standard ... but it 
does not support grouping parens like in your example.

: Our existing solr schema includes multiple search fields, like TITLE,
: ABSTRACT,..., and we are using DisMaxRequestHandler. 
: To support the query with the user entered AND / OR, do we have to use
: StandardRequestHandler and write our own query parser? Is there any sample

Writing a QParserPlugin to do this is certainly possible ... Lucene as a 
MultiFieldQueryParser that could probably work along these lines -- but it 
has some caveats about precedence (beyond the usual caveats about 
precedence in the main Lucene QueryParser)

The simple appraoch: use copyField to copy your muiltiple 
existing search fields into a single "catchall" field, then make that your 
default search field and use the StandardRequestHandler as is with the 
normal QueryParser.


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