: The other issue relates to providing (count) feedback for disjoint selections.
: When a facet value is selected this constrains the documents and solr returns
: the counts for all the other facet values. Thus the user can see all the
: possible valid selections (i.e. having a count >0) and the number of documents
: which will be returned if that value is selected. However one of the valid
: selections is to select another value in the facet, creating a disjoint
: selection and increasingly the number of returned documents. However there is
: currently no way for the user to know which values are valid to select as the
: count only relates to currently selected documents and not documents which are
: also still possible to select.

I'm not entirely sure if i understand what you're asking for, but it 
*sounds* like it might be related to SOLR-911 which was recently 
committed, can you take a look at that functionality and see if that 
addresses your need?

if not a more specific example would be helpful to understand what you're 
looking for...



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