No need to recompile. Install it and change your JAVA_HOME
and things should work. The options are different than for
the Sun JVM. --wunder

On 1/22/09 3:46 PM, "wojtekpia" <> wrote:

> I'm not sure if you suggested it, but I'd like to try the IBM JVM. Aside from
> setting my JRE paths, is there anything else I need to do run inside the IBM
> JVM? (e.g. re-compiling?)
> Walter Underwood wrote:
>> What JVM and garbage collector setting? We are using the IBM JVM with
>> their concurrent generational collector. I would strongly recommend
>> trying a similar collector on your JVM. Hint: how much memory is in
>> use after a full GC? That is a good approximation to the working set.

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