On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Amit Nithian <anith...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Few questions regarding the DataImportHandler:
> 1) My company is currently using Solr 1.2 and upgrading to 1.3 isn't in the
> immediate near term horizon, so I was wondering how difficult would it be to
> use the DIH and SolrJ from 1.3 to post documents to a Solr 1.2 server? We
> currently have a lot of custom loaders from MySQL that would be good to move
> away to the new DIH and SolrJ. I saw a discussion about someone wanting to
> use this externally from the solr server and I too would like this (if the
> loader crashes, I don't want the server going down with it).
There is an issue opened to make this possible . SOLR-853 . It may not
be in sync w/ the trunk .
> 2) How difficult is it to write data import extensions for other sources?
> Has anyone written an import extension from sources such as Memcache (for
> data persisted there)? I am also going to try and write an extension to
> import data from Hypertable (www.hypertable.org).
> 3) Is it worth possibly extending the cached SQL entity processor to persist
> to memcache instead of local cache for distributed search servers?
That is a bit hard. If you wish to write one it is possible by
extendiing CachedSqlEntityProcessor

> Thanks

--Noble Paul

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