
I don't fully understand the question, but I'll try...
One option is to simply not remove stop words.
The second option is to use a trick like the one Nutch uses: 

Are there more options?

Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

From: fei dong <dongfei...@gmail.com>
To: solr-user <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 3:09:27 AM
Subject: how to exactly query in the multitype

I am using the "text" field type in the schema.xml provides basic text
search for English text. But, it has a surprise: the actual text given to
this field is not indexed as-is, and therefore searching for the raw text
may not work. If you search "To Be Or Not To Be" or  "s.h.e."  in a "text"
field, none of these words will found this document. If I query "K & B" ( an
artist name) or, the result that only appears "K" is not what I suppose to.

It's better to sometimes retrieval that can omit the stop word and sometimes
keep the stop word. So that will not only index the  text after removing
stop word, but also index the raw text. How to support that requirement?

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