Erik Hatcher wrote:
Dear Solr Users -

I am offering a one day Solr training (titled Solr Boot Camp) at ApacheCon Europe on March 24. The class is designed to cover Solr from start to finish - installing, indexing your content numerous ways (XML, CSV, database, client API, DataImportHandler, etc), how to use the key bells and whistles including spell checking, highlighting, faceting, and all the way up to what it takes to build an end application on your platform. I include examples for working with Solr in various environments, from JSON to XML, to Java, to PHP, to Ruby (on Rails).

Also, if you come to the training, stay for the conference, as there will be several talks on the Lucene ecosystem: See The ApacheCon conference is the official conference of the Apache Software Foundation and is a great place to learn and interact with the developers of your favorite Apache projects.

If you have questions or aren't sure if the course is appropriate for you, you can email me offlist.

For more info and to register, see


Erik ,

I was just wondering if you planned on doing something similar in the U.S.? I would love to attend apachecon but boss probably won't go for it.


Vernon Chapman

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