thanks will try that .I also have the war file for each solr instance in the
home directory of the instance ,would that be the problem ?

if i were to have common war file for n instances ,would there be any issue?


On 2/25/09, Michael Della Bitta <> wrote:
> It's possible I don't know enough about Solr's internals and there's a
> better solution than this, and it's surprising me that you're running
> out of PermGen space before you're running out of heap, but maybe
> you've already increased the general heap size without tweaking
> PermGen, and loading all the classes involved in loading 20 contexts
> is putting you over. In any case, you might try adding the following
> option to CATALINA_OPTS: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m. If you don't know where
> to put something like that, you might try adding the following line to
> export CATALINA_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=256m ${CATALINA_OPTS}"
> If that value (256) doesn't alleviate the problem, you might try increasing
> it.
> Hope that helps,
> Michael Della Bitta
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:08 AM, revas <> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I am sure this question has been repeated many times over and there has
> been
> > several generic answers ,but i am looking for specific answers.
> >
> > I have a single server whose configuration i give below,this being the
> only
> > server we have at present ,the requirement is everytime we create a new
> > website ,we create two instances for the same one for content search and
> one
> > for product search ,both have faceting requirements.
> >
> > there are about 25 fields for product schema and abt 20 for content
> schema
> > ,we do not store the content in the server ,the content is only indexed.
> >
> > Assuming that we currently have 10 websites ,which means we have 20
> webapps
> > running on this server each having about 1000 documents  and size of the
> > index is approximately 50mb currently .The index size of each is expected
> to
> > grow continlously as more products are added.
> >
> >
> > We recenlty got the followng error on creation of a new webapp ?
> >    SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space)
> > executing,
> > terminating thread
> > Feb 24, 2009 6:22:16 AM
> > org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run
> > SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space)
> > executing,
> > terminating thread
> >  Sent at 12:32 PM on Wednesday
> >
> >    What would this mean?Given the above,How many such webapps can we have
> > on this server?
> >
> > *Server config*
> >
> > OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4 - 64 Bit
> > # Processor: Dual AMD Opteron Dual Core 270 2.0 GHz
> > # 4GB DDR RAM
> > # Hard Drive: 73GB SCSI
> > # Hard Drive: 73GB SCSI
> >
> > thanks
> >

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