: <delete><id>image.1</id></delete><delete><id>image.2</id></delete> etc... (one
: delete node for each image we wanted to delete)
: And that worked in 1.2.

that is really suprising ... it's not a legal XML doc (multiple root 
nodes) so it should have been an error.

Support was added in Solr 1.3 to support multiple <id> elements in a 
single <delete> element...


: Also, we could get a statistic called "deletesPending" from the stats.jsp page
: in the admin console.
: Now, when we upgraded to 1.3, I noticed right away that deletesPending was
: gone, but since it wasn't critical to the application we kinda let it go.
: Now, first of all, I'm wondering, is there any way to get this statistic back?

Not really .... Solr kept that stat before because in order to delete by 
query it had to execute searches and maintain a queue of docs to deletes 
and then process them explicitly when the commit happened.  now the 
underlying lucene IndexWriter can handle hte deleteByQuery directly.

: And that's fine.  Just wondering if that was actually a change or what's going
: on there or if the fact that it ever worked was a fluke (which seems to be the
: case since I find people out on message boards essentially saying the delete
: by query method is the only way to delete multiple documents at once).  I'm

As i mentioned, that was only true before 1.3, but the syntax you were 
using was definitely a fluke.

switching to the multiple <id/> nodes inside a single <delete/> node 
should be a lot faster then the <query/> using "OR" syntax you are using 
right now BTW.


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