SOLR-1064 ... resolved.

: : I think I have detected a bug in admin solr screen. I am using multicore
: : with various cores. When I click a core in the admin page and after click
: : "INFO" the info that apears (class, cache info..) it's always of the same
: : core (the last one in solrconfig.xml).
: : I don't know if there's something wrong in my configuration or it's really a
: : bug... If I click in "SCHEMA" or "CONFIG" the showed files are corret, the
: : problem is just in "INFO"
: : Can someone check it out? In case it happens to other people I can rise a
: : bug.
: please do ... i figured maybe it was just a bad link off the admin screen, 
: but using the "multicore" example both of these URLs display info for 
: core1...
:   http://localhost:8983/solr/core1/admin/registry.jsp
:   http://localhost:8983/solr/core0/admin/registry.jsp
: ...which is pretty scary since the header knows the right core.
: -Hoss


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