First off: you can't sort on a field where any doc has more then one token 
-- that's why worting on a TextField doesn't work unless you use something 
like the KeywordTokenizer.


: I found out that reason the strings are not getting sorted is because 
: there is no way to pass the locale information to StrField, I ended up 
: extending StrField to take an additional attribute in schema.xml and 
: then had to override the getSortString method where in I create a new 
: Locale based on the schema attribute and pass it to the StrField. I put 
: this newly created jar file in the lib folder and everything seems to be 
: working fine after that. Since, my java knowledge is almost zilch, I was 
: wondering is this the right way to solve this problem or is there any 
: other recommended approach for this?

I don't remember what the state of Locale-based sorting is, but the 
modifications you describe sound right based on what i remember ... would 
you be interested in submitting them back as a patch?


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