This is a "feature" of the ShowFileRequestHandler -- it doesn't let people 
browse files outside of hte conf directory.

I suppose this behavior could be made configurable (right now the only 
config option is "hidden" for excluding specific files ... we could have 
an option to "allow" files that would normally be hidden)

: Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 07:33:48 -0400
: From: "Gargate, Siddharth" <>
: Reply-To:
: To:
: Subject: multicore file path
: I am trying out multicore environment with single schema and solrconfig
: file. Below is the folder structure 
: Solr/
:    conf/
:      schema.xml
:      solrconfig.xml
:    core0/
:        data/
:    core1/
:        data/
:    tomcat/
: The solrhome property is set in tomcat as -Dsolr.solr.home=../..
: And the solr.xml file is
: <solr persistent='true'>
: <cores adminPath='/admin/cores'>
:   <core name='core0' instanceDir='core0/'
: config='../../conf/solrconfig.xml' schema='../../conf/schema.xml'/>
:   <core name='core1' instanceDir='core1/'
: config='../../conf/solrconfig.xml' schema='../../conf/schema.xml'/>
: </cores>
: </solr>
: Everything is working fine, but when I try to access schema file from
: admin UI I am getting following error
: http://localhost:8080/solr/core0/admin/file/?file=../../conf/schema.xml
:      HTTP Status 403 - Invalid path: ../../conf/schema.xml
:      description Access to the specified resource (Invalid path:
: ../../conf/schema.xml) has been forbidden.


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