: Is not particularly helpful. I tried adding adding a bq argument to my
: search: 
: &bq=media:DVD^2
: (yes, this is an index of films!) but I find when I start adding more
: and more:
: &bq=media:DVD^2&bq=media:BLU-RAY^1.5
: I find the negative results - e.g. films that are DVD but are not
: BLU-RAY get negatively affected in their score. In the end it all seems

that shouldn't be happening ... the outermost BooleanQuery (that the 
main "q" and all of hte "bq" queries are added to) has it's 
"coordFactor" disabled, so documents aren't penalized for not matching bq 

What you may be seeing is that the raw numeric score values you see 
getting returned by Solr are lower for documents that match "DVD" when you add 
"BLU-RAY" bq ... that's totally possible because *absolute* scores from 
one query can't be compared to scores from another query -- what's important is 
the *relative* order of scores from doc1 and doc2 should be consistent 
(ie: the score for a doc matching DVD might go down when you add the 
BLUERAY bq, but the scores for *all* documents not matching BLUERAY should 
go down some)

The important thing to look for is:
  1) are DVD docs sorting higher then they would without the DVD bq?
  2) are BLURAY docs sorting higher then they would without the BLURAY bq?
  3) are two docs that are equivilent except for a DVD?BLUERAY distinction 
     sorting such that the BLURAY doc comes first?

...the answers to all of those should be yes.  if you're seeing otherwise, 
please post the query tostrings for both queries, and the score 
explanations for the docs in question against both queries.


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