I can try, for now I just decided to use Lucene's TermsFilter which does the
job perfectly. If I have some spare time I'll put together a unit test to
show the problem.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org>wrote:

> Can you isolate this down to just a simple unit test?
> On Mar 17, 2009, at 6:52 PM, Comron Sattari wrote:
>  I've recently upgraded to Solr 1.3 using Lucene 2.4. One of the reasons I
>> upgraded was because of the nicer SearchComponent architecture that let me
>> add a needed feature to the default request handler. Simply put, I needed
>> to
>> filter a query based on some additional parameters. So I subclassed
>> QueryComponent and replaced the line
>>  rb.setQuery( parser.getQuery() );
>> with one that wrapped the parsed query in a FilteredQuery
>>  Query query = parser.getQuery();
>>  String arguments = params.get("param-name");
>>  if( arguments != null) {
>>   query = new FilteredQuery(query, new MyCustomFilter(arguments));
>>  }
>>  rb.setQuery(query);
>> The filter class I used can be seen here:
>> http://privatepaste.com/021ZH27tKG.
>> And is nearly verbatim from the Lucene in Action book, when describing a
>> way
>> to do security filtering.
>> This seems to work fine, although I'm getting some strange behavior when
>> exercising this code through some unit tests from my Rails app. Sometimes
>> I
>> get an NPE when doing the filtering.
>>  at top level in at
>> org.apache.lucene.index.MultiSegmentReader$MultiTermDocs.doc(MultiSegmentReader.java
>> at line 533
>>  at <MyQueryComponent>$MyCustomFilter.bits(Unknown Source)
>>  at top level in at
>> org.apache.lucene.search.Filter.getDocIdSet(Filter.java
>> at line 49
>>  at top level in at
>> org.apache.lucene.search.FilteredQuery$1.scorer(FilteredQuery.java at line
>> 105
>>  at top level in at
>> org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher.search(IndexSearcher.java at line
>> 132
>>  at top level in at org.apache.lucene.search.Searcher.search(Searcher.java
>> at line 126
>> After some detective work I decided the problem had to do with an empty
>> index, and the termDocs iterator has 0 elements to iterate over and was
>> throwing this error. Since there is no size() method or analogous method
>> on
>> the TermDocs iterator, I decided to use docFreq(term) as you can see in
>> the
>> source code. But this didn't solve my problem either. This error is being
>> throw even when docFreq(term) returns more then 0 documents. I can't for
>> the
>> life of me figure out why this iterator's doc() method throwing an NPE.
>> (Well I can deduce that the current member is null, but I don't know why.)
>> Is the index corrupted? I can see record in the index that should match my
>> Term through the solr /admin/ interface, and docFreq(term) returns a
>> number
>>> 0. Yet this NPE keeps showing up.
>> Any help or guidance would be appreciated. If you need to see more source
>> I'd be happy to provide it, but I'm sure thats all the relevant stuff.
>> (I cross posted this to both Solr and Lucene lists.)
>> Comron

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