On Mar 19, 2009, at 1:59 PM, Fergus McMenemie wrote:
I am looking for a implementation of DIH feature: It also takes in a properties file for the data source configuration (http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-469 )

I want to externalize the data source parameters like driver, url, user and password to property file outside the solr. My aim to hide the parameters from developer code in Production environment. So that admin can enter these values.

Or else can DIH read JNDI data source from server environment.

Let me know the best practice to follow in production environment?


This is an idea rather than a recommendation.

But, as per the DIH FAQ, you can pass in extra arguments on the URL
used to invoke DIH and use these arguments within data-config.xml.
Not too sure the extent they can be used with the various dataSource's.
But  if you are happy to pass the information in via the URL or even
solconfig.xml then this may the route to go down.

I don't believe it is the case that all parameters to DIH can be controlled dynamically on a request. Isn't it the case that the init of a DIH config is required to pick up some settings? Like the JDBC URL? I just recall that in my previous code perusals, correct me if I'm off base.


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