SOLR-973 seems to have caused the problem

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Ryan McKinley <> wrote:
> do you know if your java file is encoded with utf-8?
> sometimes it will be encoded as something different and that can cause funny
> problems..
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:46 AM, Walid ABDELKABIR wrote:
>> when executing this code I got in my index the field "includes" with this
>> value : "????? ???? ????????????? ?????" :
>> ---------------------------
>> String content ="eaiou with circumflexes: êâîôû";
>> SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
>> doc.addField( "id", "123", 1.0f );
>> doc.addField( "includes", content, 1.0f );
>> server.add( doc );
>> ---------------------------
>> but this code works fine :
>> -------------------------------
>> String addContent =   "<add><doc boost="1.0">"
>>                             +"<field name="id">123</field><field
>> name="includes">eaiou with circumflexes:âîôû</field>"
>>                             +"</doc></add>";
>> DirectXmlRequest up = new DirectXmlRequest( "/update", addContent );
>> server.request( up );
>> -------------------------------
>> thanks for help

--Noble Paul

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