Andrey Klochkov wrote:
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Mark Miller <> wrote:

Thats a tall order. It almost sounds as if you want to be able to not use
the index to store fields, but have them still fully functional as if
indexed. That would be quite the magic trick.

Look here, people wanted exactly the same feature in 2004. Is it still not

Andrew Klochkov

Right - I was exaggerating your description a bit. It reads as if you want it to have all the same power as an indexed field. So I made a bad joke. If you want to be able to search the field, its index entry needs to be updated anyway. I don't see how you get search on external stored fields without having to update and keep them in the index - external field storage is simple to add on your own, either using that skwish library, or even a basic database. You can then do id to offset mapping like that guy is looking for - simply add the id to Lucene and do your content updates with the external db.

- Mark

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