You could index the user name or ID, and then in your application add as filter the username as you pass the query back to Solr. Maybe have a access_type that is Public or Private, and then for public searches only include the ones that meet the access_type of Public.


On Mar 25, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Jesper Nøhr wrote:

Hi list,

I've finally settled on Solr, seeing as it has almost everything I
could want out of the box.

My setup is a complicated one. It will serve as the search backend on, a mercurial hosting site. We have literally thousands
of code repositories, as well as users and other data. All this needs
to be indexed.

The complication comes in when we have private repositories. Only
select users have access to these, but we still need to index them.

How would I go about accomplishing this? I can't think of a clean way to do it.

Any pointers much appreciated.


Eric Pugh | Principal | OpenSource Connections, LLC | 434.466.1467 |

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