Hello there,

I'm looking for a way to implement SRW/U and a OAI-PMH servers over solr,
similar to what i have found here:
http://marc.info/?l=solr-dev&m=116405019011211&w=2 . Well actually if it is
decoupled (not a plugin) would be ok, if not better =).

I wanted to know if anyone knows if there is something available out there
that accomplishes this.

For what i have found so far, OCLC has both server implementations
available. I haven't looked too deep into the SRW/U one, but the OAI-PMH can
be configured to work with solr (by implementing a class that does the
actual calls to the data provider).

Any information that you guys can provide is welcome =).

All the best, Miguel Coxo.

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