On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 2:15 AM, vivek sar <vivex...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The problem is I don't see any error message in the catalina.out. I
> don't even see the request coming in - I simply get blank page on
> browser. If I keep trying the request goes through and I get respond
> from Solr, but then it become unresponsive again or sometimes throws
> "connection reset" error. I'm not sure why would it work sometimes and
> not the other times for the same query. As soon as I stop the Indexer
> process things start working fine. Any way I can debug this problem?

I'm not sure. I've never seen this issue myself.

Could you try using the bundled jetty instead of Tomcat or on a different
box just to make sure this is not an environment specific issue?

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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