On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Development Team <dev.and...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
>       I have a relatively large index (it will eventually contain ~4M
> documents and be about 3G in size, I think) that indexes user data,
> settings, and the like. The documents represent a community of users
> whereupon a subset of them may be "online" at any time. Also, we want to
> score our search results across searches that span the whole index by the
> online (i.e. presence) status.
>       Right now the list of online members is kept in a database table,
> however we very often need to search on these users. The problem is, we're
> using Solr for our searches and we don't know how to approach setting up a
> search system for a large amount of highly volatile data.
>       How do people typically go about this? Do they do one of the
> following:
>             1) Set up a second core and keep only index the "online"
> members in there? (Then we could not score normal search results by online
> status.)
This will not work because creating an index is quite expensive
>             2) Index the online status in our regular solr index and not
> worry about it? (If it's fast to update docs in a large index, then why not
> maintain real-time data in the main index?)
Do you wish to have the data almost realtime?. That means you will
have to commit too often. It may result in very poor performance

>             3) Just use a database for the presence data and forget about
> using Solr for the presence-related searches?

If the no:of users is low enough to be held in a HashSet in memory,
you can think of implementing a special Field akin to
org.apache.solr.schema.ExternalFileField . But do not hope to make it
realtime. But try to make it close to realtime (say 1 min update of
the hashSet. means fetch the data from DB once in a minute).

>       Is there anything in Solr that I should be looking into to help with
> this problem? I'd appreciate any help.
> Sincerely,
>       Daryl.

--Noble Paul

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