I have a solr index where we removed a field from the schema but it still
had some documents with that field in it.
Queries using the standard response handler had no problem but the
&wt=python handler would break on any query (with fl="*" or asking for that
field directly) with:

SolrHTTPException: HTTP code=400, reason=undefined_field_oldfield

I "fixed" it by putting that field back in the schema.

One related weirdness is that fl=oldfield would cause the exception but not
fl=othernonschemafield -- that is, it would only break on field names that
were not in schema but were in the documents.

I know this is undefined behavior territory but it was still weird that the
standard response writer does not do this-- if you give a nonexistent field
name to fl on wt=standard, either one that is in documents or is not -- it
happily performs the query just skipping the ones that are not in the

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