it sounds to me like the field you're using (artistText) is tokenized
and lowercased.  it might be good to go over  the wiki pages again:

if you keep having problems, post your schema...cheers,

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Andrew McCombe <> wrote:
> Hi
> It has now introduced a new issue.  I am now getting results for my
> query but they are not what I wanted.  I'm using a Dismax handler and
> am trying to filter a result set with a filter query:
> http://localhost:8180/solr/select?indent=on&version=2.2&q=i+love&start=0&rows=30&fl=*%2Cscore&qt=dismax&wt=standard&fq=artistText:e*
> This is bringing results with 'e' or 'E' as the first letter and with
> 'e' or 'E' as the first letter after whitespace.  e.g, Eric Prydz,
> Marc Et Claude.
> Looking at the solr wiki it seems that I am using the fq param to
> boost the results and not filter them.  Is there a way to achieve the
> required result, i.e, filtering the result set for all artistText
> beginning with 'E'?
> Regards
> Andrew
> 2009/4/30 Andrew McCombe <>
>> Hi
>> I've sorted it.  Wildcard term must be lowercase to get results.
>> Thanks
>> Andrew
>> 2009/4/30 Andrew McCombe <>
>>> Hi
>>> I have half a million records indexed and need to filter results on a term 
>>> by the first letter.  For Example the search term is 'I love' and returns a 
>>> few thousand records.  I need to filter these results for all artists 
>>> beginning with 'A'.
>>> I've tried:
>>> 'fq=artistText:A*'
>>> But then get no results.
>>> Can someone point me in the right direction please?
>>> Regards
>>> Andrew

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