Hello, I have a data-config.xml that is structured in the following fashion:

<entity name="parent" query="fullParentQuery" deltaImportQuery="deltaParentImportQuery" deltaQuery="deltaParentQuery"> <entity name="child" query="fullChildQuery" deltaImportQuery="deltaChildImportQuery" />

Is the deltaImportQuery attribute even allowed on the child entity? The behavior I'm seeing is that when I issue a delta-import command, Solr uses the deltaParentImportQuery and deltaParentQuery from the parent entity but the fullChildQuery from the child entity. I was hoping it would use the deltaChildImportQuery on the child entity to figure out what data to use in the case of a delta-import. Is the behavior I'm seeing expected? Is it possible to write data-config.xml in a way that I can use different queries to pull in the field data for a child entity depending on whether I'm doing a full- or delta- import? I'm using the nightly build from March 24, 2009. Thanks!

-- Martin Davidsson
  • deltaImportQuery in ch... Martin Davidsson

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