going forward the java based replication is going to be the preferred
means replicating index. It does not support replicating files in the
dataDir , it only supports replicating index files and conf files
(files in conf dir). I was unaware of the fact that it was possible to
put the elevate.xml in dataDir.

reloading on commit is a trivial for a search component. it can
register itself to be an even listener for commit and do a reload of
elevate.xml. This can be a configuration parameter.

<str name="refreshOnCommmit">true</str>

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Nicolas Pastorino <n...@ez.no> wrote:
> On May 6, 2009, at 15:17 , Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ् wrote:
>> Why would you want to write it to the data dir? why can't it be in the
>> same place (conf) ?
> Well, fact is that the QueryElevationComponent loads the configuration file
> ( elevate.xml ) either from the data dir, either from the conf dir.
> Which means that existing setups using this component maybe using either
> location.
> That is the only reason why i judged necessary to keep supporting this
> "flexibility".
> But this could be simplified, forcing the elevate.xml file to be in the conf
> dir, and having a system ( the one you proposed, or the request handler
> attached to the issue ) to reload the configuration from the conf dir (
> which is currently not possible. While when elevate.xml is stored in the
> dataDir, triggering a commit would reload it ).
> I was just unsure about all ins and outs of the Elevation system, and then
> did not remove this flexibility.
> Thanks for your expert eye on this !
>> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Nicolas Pastorino <n...@ez.no> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> On May 6, 2009, at 15:02 , Noble Paul നോബിള്‍ नोब्ळ् wrote:
>>>> The elevate.xml is loaded from conf dir when the core is reloaded . if
>>>> you post the new xml you will have to reload the core.
>>>> A simple solution would be to write a RequestHandler which extends
>>>> QueryElevationComponent which can be a listener for commit and call an
>>>> super.inform() on that event
>>> You may want to have a look at this issue :
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1147
>>> The proposed solution ( new request handler, attached to the ticket ),
>>> solves the issue in both cases :
>>> * when elevate.xml is in the DataDir.
>>> * when elevate.xml is in the conf dir.
>>> Basically this new request handler receives, as XML, the new
>>> configuration,
>>> writes it to the right place ( some logic was copied from the
>>> QueryElevationComponent.inform() code ), and then calls the inform()
>>> method
>>> on the QueryElevationComponent for the current core, as you suggested
>>> above,
>>> to reload the Elevate configuration.
>>> --
>>> Nicolas
>>>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Nicolas Pastorino <n...@ez.no> wrote:
>>>>> Hello !
>>>>> Browsing the mailing-list's archives did not help me find the answer,
>>>>> hence
>>>>> the question asked directly here.
>>>>> Some context first :
>>>>> Integrating Solr with a CMS ( eZ Publish ), we chose to support
>>>>> Elevation.
>>>>> The idea is to be able to 'elevate' any object from the CMS. This can
>>>>> be
>>>>> achieved through eZ Publish's back office, with a dedicated Elevate
>>>>> administration GUI, the configuration is stored in the CMS temporarily,
>>>>> and
>>>>> then synchronized frequently and/or on demand onto Solr. This
>>>>> synchronisation is currently done as follows :
>>>>> 1. Generate the elevate.xml based on the stored configuration
>>>>> 2. Replace elevate.xml in Solr's dataDir
>>>>> 3. Commit. It appears that when having elevate.xml in Solr's dataDir,
>>>>> and
>>>>> solely in this case, commiting triggers a reload of elevate.xml. This
>>>>> does
>>>>> not happen when elevate.xml is stored in Solr's conf dir.
>>>>> This method has one main issue though : eZ Publish needs to have access
>>>>> to
>>>>> the same filesystem as the one on which Solr's dataDir is stored. This
>>>>> is
>>>>> not always the case when the CMS is clustered for instance --> show
>>>>> stopper
>>>>> :(
>>>>> Hence the following idea / RFC :
>>>>> How about extending the Query Elevation system with the possibility to
>>>>> push
>>>>> an updated elevate.xml file/XML through HTTP ?
>>>>> This would update the file where it is actually located, and trigger a
>>>>> reload of the configuration.
>>>>> Not being very knowledgeable about Solr's API ( yet ! ), i cannot
>>>>> figure
>>>>> out
>>>>> whether this would be possible, how this would be achievable ( which
>>>>> type
>>>>> of
>>>>> plugin for instance ) or even be valid ?
>>>>> Thanks a lot in advance for your thoughts,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Nicolas
>>>> --
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>>> Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com
>>> --
>>> Nicolas Pastorino
>>> Consultant - Trainer - System Developer
>>> Phone :  +33 (0)
>>> eZ Systems ( Western Europe )  |  http://ez.no
>> --
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com
> --
> Nicolas Pastorino
> Consultant - Trainer - System Developer
> Phone :  +33 (0)
> eZ Systems ( Western Europe )  |  http://ez.no

Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com

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