On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Radha C. <cra...@ceiindia.com> wrote:

> I found the why it is returning irrelevant documents. I am encoding my
> query
> string with UTF-8 and appending to url as follows so it fails.
> This is the query string => art_id:queryText&start=0&rows=10&sort=score
> desc
> encoded url :
> http://localhost:8983/solr/TeamSite/select?q=art_id%3A183702815%26start%3D0%
> 26rows%3D10%26sort%3Dscore+desc<http://localhost:8983/solr/TeamSite/select?q=art_id%3A183702815%26start%3D0%%0A26rows%3D10%26sort%3Dscore+desc>

You do not need to encode the url parameter names themselves. You only need
to encode the parameter values (i.e. after the equals operator). Using UTF-8
encoding is fine.

So the correct url will look like the following:
q=art_id:queryText&start=0&rows=10&sort=score desc

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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