On May 20, 2009, at 4:33 AM, Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Plaatje, Patrick <
patrick.plaa...@getronics.com> wrote:

At the moment Solr does not have such functionality. I have written a
plugin for Solr though which uses a second Solr core to store/index the searches. If you're interested, send me an email and I'll get you the source
for the plugin.

Patrick, this will be a useful addition. However instead of doing this with
another core, we can keep running statistics which can be shown on the
statistics page itself. What do you think?

I think you will want some type of persistence mechanism otherwise you will end up consuming a lot of resources keeping track of all the query strings, unless I'm missing something. Either a Lucene index (Solr core) or the option of embedding a DB. Ideally, it would be pluggable such that people could choose their storage mechanism. Most people do this kind of thing offline via log analysis as logs can grow quite large quite quickly.

A related approach for showing slow queries was discussed recently. There's
an issue open which has more details:


Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

Grant Ingersoll

Search the Lucene ecosystem (Lucene/Solr/Nutch/Mahout/Tika/Droids) using Solr/Lucene:

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