On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Michael Ludwig <m...@as-guides.com> wrote:

> Shalin Shekhar Mangar wrote:
> | If you use spellcheck.q parameter for specifying
> | the spelling query, then the field's analyzer will
> | be used [...] If you use the q parameter, then the
> | SpellingQueryConverter is used.
> http://markmail.org/message/k35r7qmpatjvllsc - message
> http://markmail.org/thread/gypvpfnsd5sggkpx  - whole thread
> Is it correct to say that when I intend to always use
> the spellcheck.q parameter I do not need to specify a
> queryAnalyzerFieldType in my spellcheck searchComponent,
> which I define in solrconfig.xml?

Yes, that is correct.

Even if a queryAnalyzerFieldType is not specified and your query uses q,
then WhitespaceTokenizer is used by default.

> Given the limitations of the SpellingQueryConverter laid
> out in the thread referred to above, it seems you want to
> use the spellcheck.q parameter for anything but what can
> be encoded in ASCII. Is that true?

Umm, no actually. SpellingQueryConverter was written for a very simple
use-case dealing with ASCII only. But there is no reason why we cannot
extend it to cover the full UTF-8 set.

I'm sorry I forgot to follow-up on the old thread where you and Jonathan
posted a regex that should work. Can you please open an issue and if
possible, give a patch?

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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