On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Marc Sturlese <marc.sturl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there, I am trying to optimize the setup of hasDocSet.

Be aware that in the latest versions of Solr 1.4, HashDocSet is no
longer used by Solr.

> Have read the documentation here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrPerformanceFactors#head-2de2e9a6f806ab8a3afbd73f1d99ece48e27b3ab
> But can't exactly understand it.
> Does it mean that the maxSize should be 0.005 x NumberDocsOfMyIndex or that
> maxSize should be aprox the same than the number of docs of my index?

The former.

> And... what's the loadFactor?

loadFactor: size of the hash table compared to the number of elements stored.


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